Cole M. James

Assistant Professor | BFA Animation


Master of FIne Arts, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, California
Bachelor of Arts, California State University at San Bernardino

Bio and Affiliation

Cole M James (They/Zi/She) is an interdisciplinary artist. Their work uses both figurative and abstract images, sound and scent to amplify the subtle ways perception can collapse and expand time. James received their MFA from Claremont Graduate University in Installation & Digital Media. “I make work as a negotiator, navigating the African Diaspora, circling the expanse of queerness and traversing through womanhood. I am interested in the intersections between digital production and the analog collecting of lived experiences." James works and lives in Los Angeles, California.

Cole James is a Somatic Abolition Communal Consultant and on the Development Team For Artist Infrastructure Initiative at Now Be Here. James is also part of the Collective Abayomi facilitated by Bayo Akomolafe.

James's collaborative work includes organizations centering on restorative justice and environmental advocacy throughout Los Angeles and abroad. Community Collaborators include: artworx LA, Liberated Justice Coalition, UCLA, FOLAR, California African American Museum, Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, Michelada Think Tank, Play the LA River, LA Bird Day, Black Women Artist for Black Lives Matter, Justice LA, Los Angeles Nomadic Division, Emergence Network, and Judson Studios.

Cole James artwork: Manchego Video
Cole James artwork: Manchego Video
Cole James artwork: Manchego Video
Cole James artwork: Manchego Video
Cole James artwork: Manchego Video
Cole James artwork: Manchego Video

Awards and Honors

  • 2024
    • Precipice Fund Grant Recipient-Portland Institute of Contemporary Art
    • Teaching Excellence Award -Otis College of Art
  • 2022-23
    • Faculty Development Grant-Otis College of Art
  • 2021-22
    • Faculty Development Grant - Otis College of Art
  • 2020
    • Curriculum Development Grant- Otis College of Art
    • ESMOA Film Festival Award Designer
  • 2019
    • Carolyn Glasoe Bailey Foundation Fellow
  • 2015
    • Human Rights Leadrship Fellow – Amnesty International
  • 2014
    • Fiscal Sponsorship- Hatchfund
  • 2010
    • Art Merit Fellowship- Claremont Graduate University
    • Minority Fellowship - Claremont Graduate University
    • Certificate -Preparing Future Faculty & Curriculum Development Program - Claremont Graduate University
  • 2009
    • Walker Parker Fellowship - Claremont Graduate University
  • 2008
    • Albert B Friedman Grant- Claremont Graduate University
  • 2007
    • Studio Art Commencement Speaker 
  • 2007
    • Mignon Schweitzer Award- Cal State San Bernardino
    • Best in Show Juried Exhibition- Cal State San Bernardino
  • 2006
    • Innovations in Painting Award- Cal State San Bernardino
  • 2006
    • Certificate in Special Congressional Recognition - Cal State San Bernardino

Professional Accomplishments and Exhibitions

Solo Exhibitions

  • 2022
    • Call Them In, William Roland Gallery of Fine Art Cal Lutheran University Thousands Oaks, CA
  • 2019
    • One Day, Performance Accra, Ghana
  • 2019
    • 3 Movements, Carolyn Glasoe Baily Foundation Ojai, CA
  • 2013
    • Fusion MIA, Artist Muse Productions Wynwood (Miami), FL
  • 2011
    • Fresh, Fruit Robert V Fullerton Museum San Bernardino, CA
  • 2010
    • Ontogeny, Peggy Phelps Gallery Claremont, CA

Selected Group Exhibitions

  • 2023
    • David Hammons , Joan , The Garden Los Angeles CA
    • De-Lie-Luh, Sur Biennale , Harris Gallery, Lavern CA
  • 2022
    • B-LA-M, Goethe Institute, Los Angeles CA
  • 2021
    • Art Beyond Survival-The Collective-Los Angeles, CA
    • 9 Voices -Launch Gallery-Los Angeles, CA
  • 2019
    • Fierce Generosity 2.0, Burnet Fine Art+ Advisory, Wayzata, MN
    • Radical Reading Room-Studio Museum Harlem-New York, NY
    • De Colores Means All of US-Sur Biennale-Los Angeles, CA
  • 2018
    • Surreal By Nature, SBMCA + Hotel Indigo, Santa Barbara 
    • Holding Half The Sky-Roberts Projects-Culver City, CA
    • Dirty Looks On Location-Jewels Catch/Union-Los Angeles, CA
    • Gut Friends-Porch Gallery-Ojai, CA
    • US-Peggy Phelps Gallery-Claremont, CA
  • 2017
    • Diasporgasm-South Bay Contemporary-Los Angeles, CA
    • Black Mirror-Charlie James Gallery-Los Angeles, CA
    • Black Women Artist for Black Lives Matter-Project Row Houses-Houston, TX
  • 2016
    • Skin-Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery-Los Angeles, CA
    • Our Prime Property-http:// Exhibition
  • 2015
    • Yes All Women-East LA Women’s Center-Los Angeles, CA
    • Primo Lane-Outpost Projects-Joshua Tree, CA
    • Savage Sentimentality-Wignall Museum-Rancho Cucamonga CA
  • 2014
    • Play The LA River-Project 50-Los Angeles, CA
  • 2014
    • Savage Sentimentality-Cerritos College Gallery-Cerritos, CA
    • Transforming Feminisms-PS Zask Gallery-Rolling Hills Estate CA
  • 2013
    • Wayward-Peggy Phelps Gallery-Claremont, CA
    • Doing Pennants-Fifth Floor Gallery-Los Angeles, CA
  • 2012
    • Abject Deco-PS Zask Art Gallery-Rolling Hills Estate CA
    • Oasis-Shangrila Exhibitions-Joshua Tree, CA
    • Medicine Chest-Lux Exhibition-Burbank, CA
  • 2011
    • Single Fare-Sloan Fine Art-New York, NY
    • Inviting Internationally-Gallery Iang-Seoul, Korea
  • 2009
    • 29 by 92-Sam & Alfreda Maloof Foundation-Alta Loma, CA

Website Publications Videos

  • 2022
    • Love Berto + Cole James Eric Minh Swenson Art Films
  • 2020
    • Black University
  • 2018
    • Lady Scumbag
  • 2016
    • Our Prime Property

Visiting Artist Lectures/Presentations/Critiques

  • 2022
    • Stable Change: Enter Rhythm Life Long Burning Network, Berlin, Keynote Speaker
  • 2020
    • How to Survive in Quarantine, Liberated Art Collective, Facilitator
    • Road Trip Ghana, Carolyn Glasoe Bailey Foundation, Lecturer
    • Artist Lecture, Wignall Museum, Chaffey College, Lecturer
    • Visiting Artist Conversation, Claremont Graduate University, Lecturer
  • 2019
    • Include Me, Diversity Equity & Inclusion AICAD, Presenter
  • 2018
    • Designing Empathy , Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego Workshop Facilitator
  • 2016
    • Analog Dissident , Lecturer
  • 2015
    • Lecture: Savage Sentimentality, Chaffey Community College , Lecturer
  • 2014
    • Play The LA River-Project 51 ,Workshop Facilitator
  • 2012
    • Mapping the Metropolis: HeArt Project LA & La Plaza de Culture y Artes, Workshop Coordinator 
  • 2009
    • Annotations from the Past: Kara Walker, Pomona Museum Panelist

Collaborative Projects

  • 2024 Paletas Communal Social , City of Portland, Portland OR Co-Facilitator
  • 2023 Radical Hope/Black Mattering, Othering & Belonging Institute-Online
  • 2022
    • Stable Change: Enter Rhythm Life Long Burning Network, Berlin 
    • Open House: New Trends in Philosophy House Of Beautiful Business, 
    • Paletas Communal San Deigo, CA
  • 2020
    • Why Abstraction: Youth Justice Coalition Liberated Arts Collective, Los Angeles CA
  • 2018
    • Books That Breathe California African America Museum , Los Angeles CA
    • Beyond Cages an Abolitionist Summit Justice LA, Lecturer, Los Angeles CA
    • We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women 1965-85 , California African American Museum, Workshop Facilitator , Los Angeles CA
    • Liberated Arts Collective District 11 Transitional Housing , Workshop Facilitator, Los Angeles CA
    • We Wanted a Revolution: Black Radical Women, 1965–85 Symposium CAAM Los Angeles CA
    • Experimenting: Art+Ideas HeArt Project LA & Hammer Museum, Workshop Facilitator
      Los Angeles CA
  • 2017
    • Paletas SaMo City Of Santa Monica 
  • 2017
    • Cruising Kchung @ The Getty, Los Angeles CA
  • 2017
    • LA Bird Day UCLA, Los Angeles CA
  • 2016
    • Black Mountain College: Experimenting: Art & Ideas Artworx LA & Hammer 
      Los Angeles CA
  • 2016
    • Human Rights Leadership Conference Amnesty International St Louis, MO
  • 2014
    • Play The LA River Project 51 & UCLA Los Angeles CA
  • 2012
    • Mapping the Metropolis LA Plaza & Artworx LA Los Angeles CA
  • 2012
    • Iconic Women: HeArt Project LA & Hammer Museum ,Workshop Facilitator Los Angeles CA
  • 2012
    • Design In A Modern Way: HeArt Project LA& LACMA , Workshop Facilitator
      Los Angeles CA

  • 2011

    • Revisions of LA: Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions ,Workshop Facilitator
      Los Angeles CA


  • 2021
    • Liberation Tarot Deck, PM Press
    • Remote Control, East of Borneo
  • 2020
    • How To Survive A quarantine, Liberated Arts Collective
  • 2014
    • ARTICULATE II ,Fantastic Heliotherapy Publication
  • 2011
    • ARTICULATE I ,Fantastic Heliotherapy Publication
  • 2010
    • Objective Affection Fantastic ,Heliotherapy Publication

Clients and Employment History

  • Artiwox LA
  • Now Be Here
  • Artist Muse
  • Baseman Studios
  • City of Los Angeles