Guy Bennett

Professor | Liberal Arts and Sciences



Ph.D., MA, BA (French Literature) UCLA.

Bio and Affiliation

Born in Los Angeles in 1960. Studied art, music, languages, and literature in college, graduating with a doctorate in French literature from UCLA in 1993. Has worked as a musician (1978–1998), book designer and a typesetter (1993–2017), translator (1993–present), and teacher at various local colleges and universities (UCLA, El Camino College, LACC, Emeritus College, SMC, 1989–2001). Joined faculty at Otis in 1999.

Guy is interested in experimentalism in the arts, generally speaking, and is inspired by the cross-pollination evident in work straddling different disciplines. His recent publications are characterized by an exploration of the margins of poetry and what lies beyond them, as well as by an attendant investigation into the permeability of generic labels and categories.

Guy Bennett publication covers
Guy Bennett publication covers
Guy Bennett publication covers
 Portrait of Guy Bennett

Awards and Honors

  • Named Chevalier de l’Ordre des palmes académiques [“Knight of The Order of Academic Palms”] in 2005 by the French Minister of Education
  • Grants in support of translation and publication of French and Francophone writers from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2003, 2014), the French Cultural Services in Los Angeles (2012), the Book Department of the Cultural Services of the French Embassy (2009), the Cultural Services of the City of Los Angeles (2007), and the Québec Government Office in Los Angeles (2004)
  • Otis Faculty Development Grants: 2013–14, 2009–10, 2006–07

Professional Accomplishments and Exhibitions

  • Writer in residence, Jan Michalski Foundation, Summer 2022
  • Invited participant:
    • 34th Festival international de poésie, Trois-Rivières, Québec, Fall 2018
    • 24th Salon International de l’Édition et du livre, Casablanca, Winter 2018
    • Thomas Hirschhorn’s Flamme Éternelle, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, Summer 2014
    • Festival poésie et jazz des Amériques, Montréal & Quebec City, Fall 2010
    • Biennale Évento, Bordeaux, Fall 2009
    • Festival de la Poésie Méditéranéenne, Rabat, Summer 2004
    • Los Angeles Times Festival of Books, Los Angeles, Spring 1999
    • Biennale Internationale des Poètes en Val de Marne, Paris, Lyon, Fall 1998


Extensive publications of poetry (books, chapbooks, discrete texts in journals and anthologies), as well as occasional scholarly articles and book reviews, 1993–present.