
  • Ph.D. Department of English, University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
  • M.F.A. Creative Writing, Fiction/Nonfiction, Antioch University Los Angeles. 
  • B.A. Print Journalism and Spanish, University of New Mexico.

Bio and Affiliation

Lorinda Toledo’s (she/her) novel-in-progress, The Nature of Fire, was named first runner-up for the 2019 James Jones First Novel Fellowship. Her stories have been published in the Mississippi Review, The Normal School, Lit Angels, and elsewhere. She earned a doctorate in literature with a creative dissertation from the University of Nevada Las Vegas, where she was a Barrick Graduate Fellow and a Black Mountain Institute Ph.D. Fellow. Her M.F.A. is in Creative Writing from Antioch University Los Angeles. She served as Fiction Editor at Witness literary magazine, Lunch Ticket, and more. She is currently revising her novel with her agent.

Lorinda also holds a B.A. in Journalism from the University of New Mexico, working with news organizations across the country, including the Associated Press’s Los Angeles bureau, the Albuquerque Tribune, LA Weekly, and The New York Times Student Journalism Institute. She was born and raised in New Mexico, while Los Angeles has been her home for more than a decade.

Lorinda currently teaches LIBS 440 Capstone. She has taught ENGL 107 Writing in the Digital Age and originally joined Otis as Assistant Director of the Student Learning Center from 2022–2024, where she led tutoring and developed a coaching program to help creatives cultivate sustainable practice. She has taught writing since 2013 at AULA and UNLV both as a tutor and in the classroom. As an educator, Lorinda seeks to empower students to intersect coursework with their lived experiences and career goals in a supportive environment.


Lorinda Toledo's Picture

Awards and Honors 

  • 2021
    • Ancinas Scholar, Community of Writers Fiction Workshop.
    • Scholar, Jackson Hole Writers Conference.
  • 2019
    • The Nature of Fire, First runner-up award, James Jones First Novel Fellowship. 
  • 2018–2019
    • Barrick Graduate Fellowship, University of Nevada Las Vegas. 
  • 2018
    • Summer Doctoral Research Fellowship, University of Nevada Las Vegas. 
  • 2015–2018
    • Black Mountain Institute Ph.D. Fellowship. 
  • 2013
    • Eloise Klein Healy Scholarship, M.F.A. in Creative Writing, Antioch University Los Angeles.


Fiction & Memoir

  • “Car Trouble“ Lit Angels, Issue #19: The Hard Feminine, May 2024.
  • “What Grew From the Earth“ The Normal School, October 7, 2020.
  • The Burning We Hold” (novel excerpt) Mississippi Review 46.3, March 2019.

Book Reviews & Interviews

  • “The Confines of Masculinity Are Killing Us: A Conversation with Joe Milan Jr.” The Rumpus, October 16, 2023, interview.
  • “Body Betrayal: The Millions Interviews Maegan Poland" The Millions, October 8, 2021, interview.

Professional Accomplishments and Exhibitions:  

(Invited Readings & Interviews) 

  • 2024
    • Excerpt from The Nature of Fire, Roarshack, Los Angeles, CA.
  •  2022
    • In conversation with author Daniel Olivas, How to Date a Flying Mexican, Skylight Books, Los Angeles, CA. 
    • “Writers on Writing,” The Writers’ Exchange, Antioch University, online. 
    • UNLV Alumni Reading, The Twig Bookshop, San Antonio, TX. 
  • 2018
    • “What Grew From the Earth” BMI Ph.D. Fellows Reading, Black Mountain Institute/University of Nevada Las Vegas, Las Vegas, NV.
  • 2017
    • Excerpt from The Nature of Fire, Book Show bookstore, Los Angeles, CA.