
  • Certificate of Literary Translation (Hungarian to English) from the Balassi Institute in Budapest, Hungary
  • MFA in Creative Writing with a Fiction Focus from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas
  • BA in English Literature with a Concentration in Creative Writing from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas


Timea Sipos is a Hungarian American fiction author, occasional poet, and Hungarian-to-English literary translator. She is also the Coordinator of the Student Learning Center at Otis College, where is primarily responsible for hiring, training, and managing the robust peer tutor team. She is currently writing a speculative novel-told-in-stories set in her hometown of Budapest about statues that come to life and the women who sculpt them.


Timea Sipos’s Picture

Awards and Honors

  • Miami Book Fair Emerging Writers Fellowship Finalist. (2023)
  • MacDowell Fellowship. (2022) 
  • Martha Heasley Cox Steinbeck Fellowship at San José State University. (2021-2022)
  • Tennessee Williams & New Orleans Literary Festival Fiction Prize Winner. (2022)
  • Pushcart Prize Nominee. (2021, 2022)
  • J.F. Powers Prize for Short Fiction Finalist. (2021)
  • Cecelia Joyce Johnson Award Finalist. (2021)
  • Nevada Arts Council American Rescue Plan Grant. (2021)
  • Foundation for Contemporary Arts Grant. (2020)
  • PEN America Writers’ Emergency Fund. (2020)
  • Artist Relief Fund Grant. (2020)
  • Miami Book Fair Emerging Writers Fellowship Honorable Mention. (2020)
  • Petőfi Literary Agency Microgrant. (2020)
  • Nevada Arts Council Professional Development Grant. (2018)
  • American Literary Translators Association 2017 Travel Fellowship. (2017)
  • UNLV Alumni Scholarship. (August 2016 - May 2017)
  • Dr. Elemér and Éva Kiss Scholarship from the Hungarian American Coalition. (2017)
  • UNLV Study Abroad Scholarship. (2016)
  • Black Mountain Institute International Award. (2016)

Professional Accomplishments/Exhibitions:  


  • “A Stomach Full of Clenched Fists”, short fiction, Joyland. (2022)
  • “Lines”, short fiction, Aquifer: The Florida Review Online. (2022)
  • “Hungarian Playlist,” creative nonfiction, Las Vegas Writers Write, Volume 13, anthology. (2022)
  • Selected poems, the other side of hope. (2021)
  • “What They Call It,” short fiction, Juked literary journal. (April 2018) Nominated for a PEN/Robert J. Dau Short 
  • Story Prize for Emerging Writers. Republished by The Literary Review. (February 2021)
  • “Let’s Start with the Trees”, creative nonfiction, Hopscotch Translation. (2021)
  • “The Stone Men,” short fiction, Passages North, Issue #41. (Spring 2020) Nominated for a 2021 Pushcart Prize.
  • “False Sun,” short fiction, Prairie Schooner. (Fall 2019)


  • Songs for 3:45 AM by Márton Simon, poetry chapbook, The Offending Adam Press. (2021)
  • Offspring/Írmag by Kinga Tóth, bilingual multi-media poetry collection, Yama Art. (2020)


  • “The Joke,” story by Ilka Papp-Zakor, Continental Literary Magazine. (2022)
  • “Admonitions”, poem by Lili Hanna Seres, Continental Literary Magazine. (2022)
  • “Reckoning with Bukowski,” story by Panni Puskás, The Los Angeles Review. (2021)
  • Selected poems by Márton Simon, Trafika Europe. (2021)
  • Selected poems by Kornélia Deres, The Literary Review. (2021)
  • Selected poems by Kornélia Deres, Denver Quarterly, Issue 54.3. (2020)
  • Selected poems by Kinga Tóth, LIT Magazine. (2020)
  • “VII”, poem by Tibor Babiczky, Washington Square Review, 44th Issue. (September/October 2019)
  • “Fox Wedding”, poem by Márton Simon from Fox Wedding, Hungarian Literature Online. (August  
  • 2019)
  • Selected poems by Tibor Babiczky from Unfinished Poems (Félbehagyott költemények), Lunch 
  • Ticket, Issue 15: Summer/Fall 2019. 
  • “The Theory of Sinking” by Márton Simon from Songs for 3:45 AM, Palette Poetry. (2019)
  • “Grandpa’s Little Glove”, story by Ilka Papp-Zakor from Angel Dinner, Asymptote. (2019)
  • “Be Grateful”, story by Éva Veronika Kalapos, National Translation Month. (September 2019)
  • “Salvation at the Temporary Housing District: Part I of the Official History of Inota’s Regime Change”, 
  • story by Ferenc Czinki, Brooklyn Rail’s In Translation. (April 2019) 
  • Selected poems by Márton Simon, Waxwing Journal, Issue XVII. (Spring 2019)
  • Selected poems by Márton Simon from Songs for 3:45 AM (Dalok a magasföldszintről) Duende Literary 
  • Journal, Issue 7. (spring 2019)
  • “16 Theses on Walking & Poetry”, poem by Mátyás Dunajcsik, Split Lip Magazine. (2019)
  • Selected poems by Kornélia Deres, Asymptote. (2018)
  •  “Sparrows”, story by Zsombor Aurél Bíró, Bull: Men’s Fiction Print Issue No. 8 (2019) and online (2018) 
  • “Season of Empty Tastes”, poem from Songs for 3:45 AM (Dalok a magasföldszintről) by Márton Simon, 
  • Modern Poetry in Translation: In a Winter City: Focus on Hungary and Ted Hughes. (No. 3 2018) 
  • Selected poems by Kinga Tóth, Dream Pop Press, Issue #3. (Winter 2018)
  • “Angel Dinner”, story by Ilka Papp-Zakor from Angel Dinner (Angyalvacsora), The Offing. (2017)