Sexual harassment is a form of misconduct that undermines the integrity of the academic environment. It is the policy of the College that sexual harassment is prohibited. All members of the College community, especially officers, faculty, and other individuals who exercise supervisory authority have an obligation to promote an environment that is free of sexual harassment.
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This policy applies only to sexual harassment in which a student is the complainant and an officer, faculty member, staff member, or other student is the alleged harasser. Sexual harassment may occur in numerous forms, many of which are violations of federal and state laws.
For the purposes of this policy, the following are considered sexual harassment:
Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature, made by someone from or in the work or educational setting, under any of the following conditions:
- Submissions to the conduct is explicitly or implicitly made a term or condition of an individual's employment, academic status, or progress.
- Submission to, or rejection of, the conduct by the individual is used as the basis of employment or academic decisions affecting the individual.
Emergency Numbers
Otis College Campus Safety Desk: (310) 665-6965
Police and Medical: 911
Counseling and Psychological Services: (310) 665-6968
Student Affairs: (310) 665-6960