The Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging works with Human Resources and Development to provide staff development opportunities specific to DEIB, in order to help staff grow in their knowledge, awareness, and skill around DEIB education and engagement.
Our DEIB Staff Development Sessions are developed in a way that is scaffolded, requiring staff members to go through each session in a series, and preferably in a cohort style format. Each session builds upon the other, providing opportunity for learning and development while also being engaging and interactive. Below outlines the three specific DEIB staff sessions that are offered, and ALL staff are strongly encouraged to complete all three sessions.
Staff members who successfully complete the entire series (all three modules) will receive a digital badge they can post on their LinkedIn profiles and/or their email signatures. We encourage you to review the session descriptions below and register for the series of session dates that fit your schedule.
If you have any questions or feedback, please email Dr. Theresa Lucas, Director of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging, at
Session Descriptions
DEIB Session 1: DEIB Foundations (1.5 hours)
This session focuses on exploring and identifying the College’s approach to DEIB, including our 10 Points: Standing Up for Equity. Participants will also define key terms related to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and begin to build a DEIB individual action plan related to the College’s 10 Points.
DEIB Session 2: Identity Exploration, Privilege, and Exploring Bias (1.5 hours)
Session 2 will have participants explore and examine personal multiple identities and how they inform our perspectives. Additionally, we will begin to examine common biases that are informed by our own lived experiences, including privileged identities.
DEIB Session 3: Bias and Microaggressions (1.5 hours)
In this final session, participants will gain an increased understanding of bias and microaggressions and use case studies to critically examine issues of bias. Participants will develop an understanding on what it means to intervene and disrupt bias incidents, and identify bystander intervention techniques.
Fall 2023 Session Dates and Format
We will have two fall cohorts for staff to participate in all three sessions. The
three fall sessions will take place during fall semester, and it is expected all staff
who sign up will be able to attend all 3 sessions. The following dates of the three
sessions are listed below. You will receive a confirmation and calendar invite shortly
All sessions are virtual and will take place in a live Zoom session, and all sessions
will take place from 11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. on the following dates:
Cohort A
- Session 1: Thursday, September 28
- Session 2: Thursday, October 5
- Session 3: Thursday, October 19
Cohort B
- Session 1: Wednesday, October 18
- Session 2: Wednesday, October 25
- Session 3: Wednesday, November 15