Register for the 2025 Summer of Art pre-college program using the steps outlined below. If completing registration as a parent or guardian, please do so using your student’s information.
Visit the Summer of Art Course Page.
Select one Specialization and/or one Drawing Studio and add to your cart. To create a full all-day program, please select one of each.*
2D Animation, 3D Animation, Character Development and Design, Concept Art, Environmental Design, Fashion Design, Fashion Design II, Game Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, New Genres, Painting, Painting II, Photography, Product and Toy Design, Sculpture, Storytelling and Animatics
Drawing Studios:
Beginning Drawing, Intermediate Drawing, Life Drawing I or II, and Drawing from the Costumed Model I or II
Select a payment including a $200 per class registration fee (before April 25) a payment plan option or full tuition.
Once ready to check out, you will be asked to create a Student Profile. To do so, provide the student’s name, email address, and select “Create Account”. Note: If registering multiple students, each will require a unique account and email address.
Once the Student Profile information is complete, click “Save”.
Continue to check-out and complete payment.
*If you are registering for the all-day program, please be sure to select the right Drawing Studio for your Specialization. If you have questions, reach out to us at