High Impact Practice: Internships Hero Background Image

High Impact Practice: Internships

Internships are a key component of most departments at Otis College since they offer important experiential learning in fields that are closely related to students' career interests. Career Services works closely with students to help them locate, identify, and effectively prepare for internships. About 74% of these internships are paid positions, with many students finding that internships can lead to permanent positions after graduation. Otis College holds an annual Internship Fair in Spring semester that attracts companies from a variety of the creative professions to meet with the students and explore internship opportunities.

HIP Internship Fair

Students interviewing with industry professionals at the annual Otis Internship Fair.

HIP Career Services

The Career Services department helps prepare students for internships and future employment. Your Creative Future is a signature preparation initiative that teaches students practical, professional, and business related skills.