Kai Chan

Looking for My Other Half
Am I just a beer to you?
In the End I Lost to Consumerism
In the End I Lost to Consumerism 2
Step on me or Sleep with me, It’s your choice, and I respect your final decision
Drive My Car
Drive My Car
Stop, Pause and Moving on
Every Sleepless Night
Left: Pause and Moving on/ right: Every Sleepless Night
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Looking for My Other Half
Woodern framed, rice paper, ropes
141" x 141" x 60"

Am I just a beer to you?
rice paper, broken mirrors and glass, Bamboo strips

In the End I Lost to Consumerism
from 6.5" x 3.5" x 0.5" to 12.6" x 12.5" x 1"

In the End I Lost to Consumerism 
from 6.5" x 3.5" x 0.5" to 12.6" x 12.5" x 1"

Step on me or Sleep with me, It’s your choice, and I respect your final decision
100%cotton yarn, satin on the back
80" x 48" , 87" x 71", 93" x 66"

Drive My Car
paper car with video + audio

Drive My Car
paper car with video + audio

Stop, Pause and Moving on
COB LED Strip Light, paper, sewing thread, bamboo strips

Every Sleepless Night
COB LED Strip Light, paper, bamboo strips

Left: Pause and Moving on || right: Every Sleepless Night 
COB LED Strip Light, paper, sewing thread, bamboo strips