photo of Michael D. McCarty

Please join the LAS department in welcoming Michael McCarty to faculty Heather Joseph-Witham's Ways of Knowing course for a lecture and discussion about persoal narratives and how to craft your own.

Michael D. “Mac” McCarty was born in 1950 in Chicago. As a young man, he attended St. Ignatius College Prep, where he started a Black Student Union and was subsequently expelled for his involvement in protests. In 1968, he joined the Black Panther Party as part of the education cadre. He left the party after the assassination of Fred Hampton. He joined the Army in 1972 to avoid being a target of the FBI. After leaving the military, he became an acupuncturist. Since 1992, he has been a professional storyteller.

February 17, 2021
Liberal Arts and Sciences Lecture: Michael D. McCarty
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. Virtual Lecture via Zoom, link in description
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February 17, 2021
2021-02-17 12:30 2021-02-17 13:30
Liberal Arts and Sciences Lecture: Michael D. McCarty
12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m. | Virtual Lecture via Zoom, link in description
This event is free!