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Digital Media Speaker Series: Thomas Knight

Please join us in welcoming Thomas Knight as this week's guest lecturer in the Digital Media program's Fall 2021 Speaker Series.


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The Futur: Motion Designer Handel Eugene

Being the child of an immigrant makes the creative path a difficult one. A lot of sacrifices have been made, and, often times, families don't want to accept any career path outside of the Doctor/Lawyer safe zone. Chris has walked this path himself, so that gave him an instant connection with his guest, Handel Eugene, the son of Haitian immigrants. Handel has proven his talent to his parents, though, by creating a successful career for himself, most recently working on films like Spider-Man: Homecoming and Black Panther.

Digital Media Team Wins Third at Disney Imagineering Competition

Engineering with imagination. This simple concept has propelled Disney's many theme parks and perfectly encapsulates the synthesized relationship between design and technology. Imagineering is now a full-fledged field in its own right, one that continues to grow and has need of emerging talent.